****Not all options available in all sizes****
Brand New pots that we designed with Rain Science to improve root growth, biological establishment in the root zone, and growth rates. These pots are a significant improvement over traditional plastic and fabric pots for living soil systems.
A fabric liner is sewn into the pot that will help keep moisture inside the root zone while still allowing air to pass through. The result is more consistent water absorption and retention in the root zone, which leads to improved plant growth when compared to traditional plastic or fabric pots.
Plain and simple these pots are a game changer for living soil systems.
2 gallon pots are 7" tall x 7" wide and can come with or without a velcro closure, larger pots/beds have a depth of 18"
Bottomless pots are made without a bottom, so they can be placed right on top of the soil during transplant which reduces transplant shock, and improves growth rates when moving into flowering.